Boyce vs Beuys. Boxing Match for Direct Art

A NWK-Happening

26.5.2021, 7pm
Ynys Faelog, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, Wales

Ffrindiau Almaen-Cymreig, German-Welsh Friends, Deutsch-Walisische Freunde!

NWK is inviting you to its first 2021 Happening: „Beuys vs Boyce. Boxing Match for Direct Art!“ Beuys matches Boyce, Boyce matches Beuys. Oh Boy! Whoever wins, victory will be yours if you happen to come to Ynys Faelog (Menai Bridge) Wednesday 26.5.2021, 7pm. Witness with your own eyes how Beuys gets his second jab, and Boyce slips lockdown for knockdown. Will Beuys bring his rabbit punch, Boyce his punchlines? 

Capitalism is Direct Debit. NWK is Direct Art. Get Directions to Ynys Faelog here, follow the Fluxus. 


If you feel it is helpful to learn a bit more about the context of this Happening, here are some useful links.

  • In 1972 German Fluxus Artist Joseph Beuys staged "The Boxing Match for Direct Democracy" at the Documenta (Kassel). Read more here
  • In 1943, the small town Glynneath in South Wales, saw the birth of the Welsh Comedian Max Boyce
  • The rest is hap a damwain.

Wir treten an für die Direkte Kunst und Boeyseverstimmung.

Cyn y match.

Rhys Trimble before treiglad into Joseph Beuys.


our direct commentator, dr david.

The impressario was impressed.

The Referee.

Directions from Art for Direct Art.

To the left: Joseph Beuys


The Sun and Son of Hare, 

The Insurrection against Culture. 

The rag and ... the and 

The shaman of art. 

The director for direct art. 

The Rammstein of Fluxus. 

The Silence of Marcel Duchamp is Overrated' 

when his hare pumps the honey. 

Live from Rachub in Germany, 

Misteeeeeeeeeeeer Joseph, the Shaman, Beuys! 

To the right: Max Boyce


The San of Hair.

The insurance for British culture,

The Reagan.

The shame of art.

The representative for representative art.

The undertaker of the Avant Garde.

He likes Rugby and Rugby likes him.

When Opportunity Knocks,

he gets his Doctor’s Papers

to have been there 

in the Mad Pursuit of Green Applause

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaax the max Boyce the Boy!

The Rules for Max and for Joe


The first role of FluxClott is: You do talk about namjunepaik. 

The second is rule: You do not talk for 20 but 30. 

Third rule: Someone yells "Fluxus!", goes Dada, haps out, the match is over. 

Fourth rule: Only two to a five. 

Fifth rule: One five at a tide. 

Sixth rule: No shirt or no shoes. 

Seventh rule: Nothing will have to go on as long as they have to. 

And the rules go on... 

Chwarae Teg



Direkt for Direct Art.



Direct Action and Direct Reaction. What was first?



End of round 1 



Round 2: Poetry. 



Round 2: Punchlines. 



Round 2: Beuys embodies his Avant Gardeness. 
Boyce ist der Bückeberger.



Round 3: Zeige Deine Wunde und Du wirst geheilt. Show your wound and you will be healed.



Round 3: Zeige Deine Wunde und Du wirst geheilt. Show your wound and you will be healed.



Eckenstehen der Kunst. Abstrafung als Auszeichnung. Sammlung im Graden Winkel. Wem gehört welcher Titel? Schiedsrichter Scheiden das Richtige vom Falschen. Directions. Direct Art auch ohne Schiedsrichter. Distinktionsgebaren. Alles fällt auseinander.



Ende der Ironie.



Anfang der Kunst?



Hut ab für Max.



A winner? You better watch out ...



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Boxing is movement.
Here are some moving images.
Longer to come soon.



A winner? You better watch out ...